All the Features You Need


All the Features You Need

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Domain Names

Register a new domain name or use one you already own. (Available after upgrading.)

Simple Store

Sell products on your site with full e-commerce functionality! Coupons, shipping, digital goods, and much more are all fully built-in.

Simple Blog

Keep your visitors updated with our super easy blogging. Each blog post gets its own page.


All sites come with analytics built-in. See who’s been visiting with easy-to-read charts.

Sign Up & Contact Forms

Starting a new service or want to get feedback? Just add a sign up form or a contact form!

Social Feed

Show your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feed directly on your site.

HTTPS Built-in

All websites get HTTPS automatically, for free! Enhanced security, SEO boost, and gain visitors’ trust.

… and much, much more!

Galleries, video backgrounds, media sliders, custom colors, password protection. It’s all integrated into our slick, modern designs and our intuitive editor.

About the author

Hamed administrator

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